Hello! My name is Jordan Hitz and I am from a little town called Santa Claus, Indiana. I am a Sophomore studying Social Studies at Western Kentucky and I plan on teaching in high school or middle school with my degree.
I am participating in Bike4Alz by driving for the team. My brother, Gabe Hitz, was the president of Team 7 in 2019. The summer before I went to college I had heard so much about Bike4Alz and the experience that it is. Ever since then I had dreamed of having that experience myself.
When I heard more about what Bike4Alz was it turned into more than just a trip across the country. When I heard first hand how Alzheimer’s can affect people and those around them I knew that I was going to be doing this with a purpose. I am driving across the country to support those who are biking, and I am doing it so that one day this disease will no longer affect anybody.