Hello friends! After a challenging week biking through California, we have made it into Nevada and are enjoying a rest day on Lake Tahoe. We have spent the last 4 days climbing the Sierra Nevada mountain range through the El Dorrado National Forrest to reach a peak elevation of 8,537 feet. This climb was very challenging and humbling, but all members of the team finished! We relied on each other’s positive energy to stay motivated in taking on such a task. California has had sunny weather and lots of beautiful vineyards, ranches, and forests. We have been blown away with the generosity of people in helping us along the way. We have had a roof over our head and food after every day of biking, and when lodging fell through at the last second, we found people kind enough to host us spontaneously. Also, a special thank you to our friend, Dennis Whitcomb who has helped with so much in California with lodging, bike repairs, and coordinating our first benefit night.
While in Davis, CA we had an event at Froggy’s Bar and Grill. The night went great! We were able to meet people, sell merchandise, raise money, and talk about our mission. At the end of the night, we met a man named Mr. Allison. He told us that his mother had passed to Alzheimer’s just 3 months before and he was very moved by our efforts. He proceeded to show us pictures and tell us stories of his mother and we were able to share a special moment with him and his family. This was very impactful to our team and reminded us of our “why”, to ride to end Alzheimer’s. Every day we dedicate the day’s ride to someone who has passed to Alzheimer’s, we encourage anyone to dedicate a day and the link to do so is on the website. Also, follow us on Tik Tok @bike4alz for some great go-pro and drone footage. Thank you!